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Who Needs a Bricklayer or Tile Setter Anyway?

Geoff Higginson
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Consider this...No one, anywhere, in any economic class of our society can live their life without a bricklayer, tilesetter, refractory or corrosion specialist bricklayer. Think about it and point it out to anyone within earshot...where does paper come from? where does the aluminum foil come from, where does plastic come from, where does the fuel for our vehicles come from, where is the food prepared before it comes to our grocery stores? Pulp and Paper Mills, Smelters, Pump Houses, Incinerators, Co-Gens. Where does your diseased gall bladder end up? How are your family members cremated. Our members work under difficult conditions with skill and hard work so the office workers, lawyers etc can have paper to print on and computers to work on. Every smart phone is dependent on a smelter somewhere or a refinery right? Every restaurant needs tilesetters, every school, hospital, city hall needs our tilesetters, bricklayers. We make a difference. Everywhere.

Geoff Higginson.

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